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Acutis Diagnostics to Integrate Sophia Genetics Analytics Into Hereditary Cancer NGS Assay

NEW YORK – Sophia Genetics said Tuesday that Acutis Diagnostics will incorporate the Sophia DDM analytics platform into a new genomic assay to support clinical research and therapeutic development for hereditary cancers.

Under the new collaboration, Hicksville, New York-based Acutis will combine Sophia's DDM for Hereditary Cancers module with its own laboratory analysis technologies to create a next-generation sequencing test to screen patients for eligibility in clinical trials. The new product will also support retrospective analysis to explain clinical outcomes and assist in target discovery.

"The use of Sophia DDM will help us quickly launch this new assay to aid clinical researchers in speeding up the process for launching select clinical oncology trials and ensuring the most appropriate patients are enrolled," Acutis CSO and Executive VP Abdel Halim said in a statement. "Additionally, the test is to provide researchers with a robust set of data and insights to support clinical decision-making and future research."

Sophia has formed a series of partnerships to embed DDM into molecular tests, including recent ones with Agilent Technologies and with the Synergy Oncology division of Synergy Laboratories for a new tumor profiling assay.