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Abreos Biosciences, True Diagnostics to Collaborate on Tests for Biologics

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Abreos Biosciences and True Diagnostics have agreed to collaborate on the development of point-of-care tests that can validate the identity and activity of biologics and biosimilars for use in cancer, autoimmune diseases, and other chronic illnesses.

Abreos is an assay development company focused on analytical tools and diagnostics for dosage authentication, counterfeit detection, and personalized dosing for biologics. The company has developed the Veritope proprietary reagent platform, which defined mimetope peptides that mimic the ligands bound by monoclonal antibody. These peptides can be used to measure the levels of therapeutic mAbs or other biologics in fluids such as serum or blood.

True Diagnostics specializes in the development and manufacturing of quantitative diagnostic products. The company offers a diagnostic platform that enables a wide array of diagnostic tests to be run faster and simpler. This includes tests in the point-of-care, food safety verification, and animal health markets.

According to Abreos, the jointly-developed tests will help biopharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and insurance payers ensure optimal drug quality and delivery. These low cost testing tools will not require additional laboratory equipment and will return results in less than 10 minutes, the company said.

"Our initial products will target the top three biologics in the US – bevacizumab (Avastin), trastuzumab (Herceptin), and rituximab (Rituxan)," True Diagnostics Founder and CEO Jerry Lee said in a statement. "Our technologies will accelerate future growth channels for pharma and biotech companies, leading academic research centers and cancer centers as well as CROs and other clinical diagnostic firms," he added.

"Biologics are becoming the dominant therapeutic option for many serious and chronic diseases ... but are expensive and must be handled and administered very carefully," Abreos Founder and CEO Bradley Messmer noted. "We are determined to make sure that patients receive precisely the right amount, with full confidence in the integrity of their therapy."