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1CellBio, Partek to Collaborate on Single-Cell Analysis Pipeline

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – 1CellBio said today that it has partnered with Partek to develop a data analysis pipeline for its InDrop system for use within the Partek Flow bioinformatics software.

According to the firms, the pipeline will allow users to pre-process raw InDrop single-cell RNA-seq data and use Partek statistical and visualization tools to characterize individual cells. Researchers building their own custom InDrop applications can also apply the wide variety of single cell bioinformatics tools within the software.

A Partek representative noted that the companies plan to jointly promote the pipeline to InDrop users.

"We are excited to work with 1CellBio to deliver an affordable and easy-to-use solution for analyzing single-cell data, enabling scientists to ask and answer their own research questions without needing to learn and use command line tools," Partek President Tom Downey said in a statement.

1CellBio CEO Colin Brenan added that he expects that Partek's "continued innovation will meet our needs as we introduce additional single-cell applications."

In December, 1CellBio released a commercial research-use-only version of the InDrop system and said it is working with the Open Medicine Institute to validate the system for precision medicine applications.