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In Brief This Week: Transgenomic; Fluxion Biosciences; Silicon Biosystems; DNA Genotek; Annai Systems

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Transgenomic said in a document filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission this week that its shareholders have approved an increase in the number of authorized shares of the firm's common stock from 100 million to 150 million.

Fluxion Biosciences said this week that it has launched its discovery services business, which will offer a range of cellular assays in ion channels using its IonFlux system, functional cell analysis using its BioFlux system, and circulating tumor cell analysis using its IsoFlux platform.

Silicon Biosystems has opened lab facilities in San Diego to support its expansion efforts in the US. The Bologna, Italy-based firm said that placing the new facility in a global biotechnology hub will enable it to "showcase the unique benefits of our DEPArray system" and offer services to US customers.

DNA Genotek this week said that ScotlandsDNA, a new genetic testing firm specializing in Scottish ancestry, has selected its Oragene DNA saliva collection kit for use in its services. The testing and analysis is carried out at the Queen Mary University of London Genome Centre using a custom-designed Illumina chip, said DNA Genotek.

Annai Systems, a Los Gatos, Calif.-based firm that develops high-performance network technology for genomics research and medicine, said this week that it has acquired MedTrust Online, an online community of oncologists. "For Annai, the MedTrust transaction represents another major step in building end-to-end, network infrastructure that enables the multi-lateral flow of genomic data and knowledge between individuals and communities in research and medicine," Annai CEO Lawrence Ganeshalingam said in a statement.

In Brief This Week is a Friday column containing news items that our readers may have missed during the week.