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US, UK Schools Drop in Rankings

While more than a hundred of the top 200 universities in the world, according to the Times Higher Education, are in the US or the UK, where those schools rank on that list has slipped. Three US schools and two in the UK have fallen out of the top 200, the Nature News Blog notes.

This listing, compiled by THE using data from Thomson Reuters, weighs more than a dozen "performance indicators" that gauge the school's teaching, research volume and reputation, citations or research influence, innovation, and its global outlook.

Taking the top position for the fourth year running is the California Institute of Technology, followed by Harvard University and the University of Oxford. Last year, Oxford tied Harvard for the second spot. Other declines include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology moving from fifth to sixth and Princeton University from sixth to seventh.

Universities in Asia, meanwhile, are on the rise, the Nature News Blog says, as China, Hong Kong, and Russia each claim a new entrant into the top 200 as Turkey acquires three.