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ScienceOnline 2010: The Votes Are In

Now that the ScienceOnline 2010 meeting -- a conference about scientific blogging -- has ended, bloggers are having a field day sharing their views on how it went. That's a good thing for those of us who couldn't get in to the sold-out event. There are far too many blog posts for us to include here, but for a full listing, check out this compilation page from conference organizer Bora Zivkovic. Jonathan Eisen wrote a post on the top 11 things he learned at the event, citing this as an example: "openness in science continues to spread, in publishing, education, outreach, data, etc." Meanwhile, bbgm's Deepak Singh authored a post asking, "Where are the geeks?" He thought there were too many sessions on science journalism and issued a "call to action" to readers: "Next year, we should get better representation from the geeks, people thinking about API’s, data resources, doing science online."