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The Random Walk to Becoming a Scientist

Troy Hibbard at Bitesize Bio writes that "[d]eveloping a career in the biological sciences can be a daunting venture."

He offers a few tips to those just starting out on their career path, the foremost one being to realize that the way to becoming a scientist is rarely straight as new prospects and ideas come crop up along the way to take you down different alleys. "The key element that should remain consistent throughout your career is your willingness to learn about new topics while investing in new skills," Hibbard adds. "This way, whichever path you choose, you will always be able to demonstrate the high level of value that your employers are looking for."

He cautions, though, to only take on experiments that you'll enjoy and to realize that not every experiment works. "Just remember that we would not use the word 'research' if we actually knew what we were doing every time," Hibbard adds.