While DNA Day is officially April 25, many celebrations are getting a head start today, mainly to "to accommodate classroom schedules," the National Human Genome Research Institute says. NHGRI's chat room went live this morning at 8 am and already an East Haven High School has asked what the best job in genetics is — Eric Green responded: "Mine." In addition, the American Society of Human Genetics will announce the winners of its essay contest that challenged high school students to examine whether in the age of whole-genome sequencing it is worth studying Mendelian traits or discuss whether it will be possible for scientists to predict people's height at the time of their birth. The European Society of Human Genetics is holding the same contest for European students and those winners will be announced at the group's annual meeting in June. In North Carolina graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are heading to high school classrooms to expose the high schoolers to scientific research — last year, 160 ambassadors visited 101 schools. The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose is hosting some activities, including using DNA to solve a mystery, and on the 25th itself the John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics at the University of Miami will have educational activity booths where Boy and Girl Scouts can earn an activity badge.