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The Early Days of the Commons

There have already been some interesting discussions in PubMed Commons, according to NCBI Insights, a blog from the National Center for Biotechnology Information. In a post, it notes that one week into beta phase, there have been 100 comments made in the forum, the same amount that were made over the whole of the development phase.

About a third of those comments, it says, included critiques or links to other articles in PubMed that could affect people's conclusions. Other comments included corrections or updates to links and where to find databases as well as updates on related work.

Half of the comments, NCBI Insights says, were discussions and back-and-forth of asking and answering questions

Users can rate which comments they found to be helpful or not. This, NCBI Insights says, will help shape the forum and its content.

Currently, NCBI Insights adds, about 1,000 researchers are signed up for the forum.