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Coming Attractions

The BRCA1 gene — coming soon to a theater near you.

Yes, genetics has gone Hollywood in the forthcoming movie, Decoding Annie Parker, a story, according to IMDB, about "love, science, sex, infidelity, disease and comedy ... and the almost discovery of a cure for cancer."

Scheduled for release in March, Annie Parker is actually the story University of Washington geneticist Mary-Claire King's (who will be played by Helen Hunt — no word yet on whether Paul Reiser is attached) discovery of the BRCA1 gene's links to breast cancer. According to a Seattle Magazine profile of the scientist, though, King had no idea the movie was in production, only learning about it when one of her students came across it online.

"It took her awhile to convince her it wasn't a practical joke," the magazine says.

As for us, we're just trying to imagine the pitch meeting: It's like Gattaca meets Erin Brockovich crossed with Lorenzo's Oil... Also, what are the chances Myriad sues for royalties?