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Surviving the Defense

It's the last step to getting a doctorate, and the thesis defense strikes fear into the heart of many a candidate. But, Bitesize Bio's Laura Fulford writes that it doesn't have to be an unpleasant experience — she says she enjoyed hers.

Of course, you do have to be prepared, and Fulford offers some tips for doing so. The first two things she says to do, though, are to relax and to do something fun — outside of the lab and away from your dissertation. While she says that it's important to go over and be familiar with your dissertation and any corrections that may need to be made to it, she adds that you should remember that "you are the expert; you know your stuff, remember that."

"This is the moment all the blood sweat and tears has been leading up to," Fulford says. "Enjoy your moment in the spotlight." And, she adds, don't forget to plan a party or night out for afterward.