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Prolor Biotech Takes Option to Peptide Rx Candidates from Weizmann's Yeda R&D


Israel's Prolor Biotech said recently that it has inked an evaluation and option agreement with Yeda Research and Development, the tech-transfer arm of the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Under the agreement, Prolor, located in the Weizmann Science Park in Nes-Ziona, has the option to obtain from Yeda a license to develop a number of peptide drug candidates, including an anti-obesity peptide, using a delivery technology developed at the Weizmann Institute.

Additional details of the agreement were not disclosed.

"This agreement, enabling us to access novel technology developed by [Weizmann] scientists, represents an exciting opportunity for Prolor," Shai Novik, president of Prolor, said in a statement.

"The first preclinical drug candidate we will evaluate under the agreement is a potential long-lasting anti-obesity compound," Novik added. "We believe the timing is right for us to explore entering this market with a drug candidate that may have strong competitive advantages over other anti-obesity approaches currently in development."

Prolor Biotech, formerly known as Modigene, changed its name in June.