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Oregon Research Universities Launch Collaborative Website to Showcase Tech Innovations


Four of Oregon's public research universities this week launched a new website to promote interaction with industry and supplement technology-transfer efforts at the schools.

The site, Innovate Collaborate Oregon, is the product of a partnership between Oregon Health and Science University, Oregon State University, Portland State University, and the University of Oregon.

The website features a searchable technology portal that allows visitors to identify and learn about promising discoveries and collaboration opportunities at the partnering schools.

According to the partners, Innovate Collaborate Oregon will allow greater industry access to research at state universities and will provide the public with an opportunity to learn more about research in the state.

Oregon's public research universities collaborate on other technology-commercialization initiatives, including the University Venture Development Fund, the Oregon Innovation Showcase, and joint participation in state research centers such as the Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute, Oregon Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies, and Oregon Translational Research and Drug Development Institute.

Besides OHSU, OSU, OU, and PSU, the Oregon University System comprises Eastern Oregon University, the Oregon Institute of Technology, Southern Oregon University, and Western Oregon University.

At press time, it was unclear whether the remaining Oregon University System schools will participate in the website.