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University of Pennsylvania Cofounds BluePen Biomarkers to Create Biomarker Discovery Pipeline

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – The University of Pennsylvania announced today that it has cofounded BluePen Biomarkers to conduct biomarker research and identification.

BluePen, founded in collaboration with Blueprint Bio and Emerald Logic, is creating a comprehensive biomarker measurement and discovery pipeline. It will measure genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, and lipidomic biomarkers, and integrate its findings with clinical data, demographics, and other phenotypic data in order to create a comprehensive multi-omics discovery platform. The goal is to improve and accelerate the discovery of relevant biomarkers, without biases toward single genes, single modalities, or mathematical assumptions, Penn said.

BluePen will collaborate with Ian Blair, the A.N. Richards Professor of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics and director of the Center for Cancer Pharmacology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

"Our fundamental conviction is that any intervention that has a predictable biologic outcome will have a detectable biomarker signature," Blair said in a statement. "The challenge is to detect the signature. BluePen's comprehensive multi-omics platform married to Emerald Logic's bio-inspired signal processing analytic approach provides a powerful solution."