Single-nucleotide polymorphism microarray-based preimplantation genetic diagnosis is likely to improve the clinical outcome for translocation carriers.
Hum Reprod. 2013 Jul 11. [Epub ahead of print]
Tan Y, Tan K, Zhang S, et al.
The authors aimed to determine whether preimplantation genetic diagnosis for translocation carriers is more effective when done with a SNP array using trophectoderm biopsy and frozen embryo transfer compared with traditional PGD based on fluorescence in situ hybridization using blastomere biopsy and fresh embryo transfer. They found that using arrays improved the clinical pregnancy rate for translocation carriers. The miscarriage rate also slightly decreased.
Mutiscale substrates based on hydrogel-incorporated silicon nanowires for protein patterning and microarray-based immunoassays.
Biosens Bioelectron. 2013 Jul 15;45:129-35.
Han S, Lee S, Hong J, et al.
The authors prepared protein micropatterns on micropatterned nanostructures for potential applications in microarray-based multiplex bioassays. In this paper, they report that the increase in surface area increased the protein loading capacity of the new platform by more than 10 times the capacity of a planar silicon substrate. Immunobinding assays between IgG and anti-IgG and between IgM and anti-IgM that were performed on the micropatterned arrays emitted stronger fluorescent signals and showed higher sensitivity than assays performed on planar silicon substrates.
Automated, high performance, flow-through chemiluminescence microarray for the multiplexed detection of phycotoxins.
Anal Chim Acta. 2013 Jul 17;787:211-8.
Szkola A, Campbell K, Elliott C, et al.
The authors developed a multiplexed immunoassay for the analysis of phycotoxins in shellfish samples. It relies on a regenerable chemiluminescence microarray that is able to analyze automatically three different phycotoxins – domoic acid, okadaic acid, and saxitoxin – in parallel.