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People in the News: Daniel Bradbury, Robert Epstein, Roy Whitfield, Francis deSouza, and Others


Illumina stockholders have voted to re-elect four members of its board of directors, approving three-year terms on the board for Daniel Bradbury, Robert Epstein, and Roy Whitfield, and a two-year term for President Francis deSouza.

Singulex has appointed Peter Heseltine as chief medical officer. Heseltine is professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, Irvine. Previously, he was senior vice president and chief medical officer at Prometheus Laboratories. He also held executive positions at Beckman Coulter and Quest Diagnostics.

Enzo Biochem has appointed James O'Brien as senior VP of finance, succeeding Andrew Crescenzo, who is leaving the company. Enzo also said that former Chief Operations Officer Andrew Whiteley has resigned.

O'Brien most recently was VP and corporate controller for Actavis; has held senior finance posts at Nycomed US, Aptuit, Purdue Pharma, and Bristol Myers Squibb; and began his career as an accountant at Pricewaterhouse Coopers.