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New Products: OGT's CytoSure Cancer+SNP Array


This week, Oxford Gene Technology launched its CytoSure Cancer+SNP array, a new tool to "improve the accuracy and efficiency of cancer research."

Developed in collaboration with cancer cytogeneticist Jaqueline Schoumans from Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland, OGT's new array combines long oligonucleotide comparative genomic hybridization probes with SNP content, enabling the detection of both copy number variants and loss of heterozygosity.

Each Cancer+SNP array contains 180,000 probes, and is made available in a format of four arrays per slide. In addition to detecting CNVs and LOH, the arrays also offer "in depth CNV analysis," on 1,500 cancer-associated genes.

OGT also said that any reference sample can be used in the analysis of the Cancer+SNP array without changes to its standard CGH protocol, and that its SNP probe chemistry does not require a restriction digestion step. The ability to use matched samples is a "particular advantage for research into genetic aberrations in cancer, enabling any constitutional abnormalities to be filtered out," the firm claimed.

OGT first introduced the Cancer+SNP array last year, when it began offering the tool in early access (BAN 6/26/2012). BioArray News also interviewed Schoumans about the development of the chip at that time (BAN 6/26/2012).

James Clough, executive vice president of commercial activities at OGT, said in a statement this week that the release of the Cancer+SNP array is part of the firm's "ongoing strategy" to sell arrays to "help increase our understanding of cancer formation and development." He noted that the company plans to add to its portfolio of cancer-focused arrays, and will introduce a chip based on the Cancer Cytogenomics Microarray Consortium's consensus design in coming months (BAN 2/26/2013).