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New Products: CTGT's HDT Array Tests, SciGene's CytoBrite Duo Slide Incubation System


Connective Tissue Gene Tests (CTGT) has added 21 new assays to its menu of molecular diagnostics for inherited disorders affecting connective tissues.

The Allentown, Pa.-based company is now offering microarray, Sanger sequencing, and next-generation sequencing-based tests for genes associated with acromeselomic dysplasia, anauxetic dysplasia, cartilage-hair dysplasia, chondrodysplasia, desbuquois dysplasia, fibular hypoplasia, Meier-Gorlin syndrome, metaphyseal dysplasia, ostogenesis imperfecta, pycnodystosis, Roberts syndrome, SC phocomelia syndrome, and Spondylo-megaepiphyseal-metaphyseal dysplasia.

The pricing of CTGT's new tests depends on the technology used and the number of genes assessed. For its array-based tests, the company relies on its High-Density Targeted Array platform, an Agilent Technologies-manufactured chip for copy number variation detection.

SciGene recently launches its CytoBrite, Duo Slide Incubation System, a dual temperature slide heating instrument for performing fluorescence in situ hybridization protocols.

The new system includes two independently controlled heating blocks that each hold a 6-slide removable tray, according to the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based firm. Following assay assembly, a slide tray is moved from one lower temperature heating position to a higher temperature position to perform the brief probe co-denaturation step then returned to the lower temperature position for hybridization.