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New Product Watch: May 3, 2011


Illumina has launched its Omni2.5-8 BeadChip. The array enables users to survey eight, 2.4 million-marker arrays on one chip, and includes new, rare variant content identified by the 1000 Genomes Project and other sources.

Illumina claims customers can process more than a thousand samples a week on the Omni2.5-8 with its HiScanSQ or iScan systems. The new chip is an "integral part" of its so-called Omni Roadmap, which provides researchers with access to new variants identified by the 1000 Genomes Project as they are identified.

Researchers can begin genome-wide association studies immediately and add additional markers on supplemental arrays as they become available, Illumina said. Illumina is planning to launch a 5-million-marker BeadChip later this year (see related story, this issue).

Connective Tissue Gene Tests last week announced the addition of high-density targeted array deletion/duplication tests for eight disorders.

Using its platform, Allentown, Pa.-based CTGT can now test patient samples for Desbuquois dysplasia, Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen disease, Glomuvenous malformations, Smith-McCort dysplasia, Three M syndrome 1, Three M syndrome 2, Torg-Winchester syndrome, and autosomal recessive Weill-Marchesani syndrome.

CTGT's services are offered on its High-Density Targeted Array, a custom designed Agilent Technologies G3 SurePrint microarray. The firm began offering array-based testing last year.