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IP Roundup: U of Toronto, Lumencor, U of California, Affymetrix, Leica Biosystems, PerkinElmer


Title: Droplet-based cell culture and cell assays using digital microfluidics.
Patent Number: 8,728,291
Filed: Jan. 11, 2013
Lead Inventor: Aaron Wheeler, University of Toronto

Title: Bioanalytical instrumentation using a light source subsystem.
Patent Number: 8,728,339
Filed: June 1, 2012
Lead Inventor: Claudia Jaffe, Lumencor

Title: Peptide microarray and method of use.
Patent Number: 8,728,980
Filed: Nov. 1, 2012
Lead Inventor: Wei Wang, University of California

Title: Parallel preparation of high fidelity probes in an array format.
Patent Number: 8,729,251
Filed: Nov. 20, 2012
Lead Inventor: Robert Kuimelis, Affymetrix

Title: Data management in a linear-array-based microscope slide scanner.
Patent Number: 8,731,260
Filed: Jan. 10, 2012
Lead Inventor: Greg Crandall, Leica Biosystems

Title: Web-based genetics analysis.
Patent Number: 8,731,956
Filed: Nov. 5, 2008
Lead Inventor: Bassem Bejjani, Signature Genomic Laboratories (now PerkinElmer)