Title: Sample multiplexing.
Patent Number: 8,841,071
Filed: May 31, 2012
Lead Inventor: Darren Link, Raindance Technologies
Title: Methods and compositions for detection and analysis of polynucleotides using light harvesting multichromophores.
Patent Number: 8,841,072
Filed: Nov. 21, 2013
Lead Inventor: Guillermo Bazan, University of California
Title: Surface of base material being inhibited in non-specific adsorption.
Patent Number: 8,841,138
Filed: July 28, 2004
Lead Inventor: Yuko Nagasaki, JSR
Title: Transcription chip.
Patent Number: 8,841,237
Filed: March 12, 2012
Lead Inventor: Hiroshi Kido, Otsuka Pharmaceutical