Title: Biochip and manufacturing method thereof.
Patent Number: 8,802,024
Filed: Sept. 28, 2007
Lead Inventor: Fan Gang Tseng, National Tsing Hua University
Title: Gel having biosubstance fixed thereto and microarray utilizing the gel.
Patent Number: 8,802,369
Filed: May 2, 2011
Lead Inventor: Chiaki Nagahama, Mitsubishi Rayon
Title: Methods for characterizing antibody binding affinity and epitope diversity in food allergy.
Patent Number: 8,802,375
Filed: Sept. 13, 2010
Lead Inventor: Hugh Sampson, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Title: Method for producing a sense RNA molecule.
Patent Number: 8,802,867
Filed: March 31, 2005
Lead Inventor: Robert Getts, Genisphere