Title: Method for enhancing current throughput in an electrochemical system.
Patent Number: 8,753,492
Filed: June 17, 2011
Lead Inventor: Sung Hee Ko, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title: Method for making populations of defined nucleic acid molecules.
Patent Number: 8,753,811
Filed: Feb. 16, 2012
Lead Inventor: Stephen Friend, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Title: Generation of combinatorial patterns by deliberate tilting of a polymer-pen array.
Patent Number: 8,753,813
Filed: Dec. 2, 2010
Lead Inventor: Chad Mirkin, Northwestern University
Title: Neoepitope detection of disease using protein arrays.
Patent Number: 8,753,822
Filed: June 20, 2011
Lead Inventor: Michael Tainsky, Wayne State University
Title: Multiplexed microarray assembly and method for fabricating a multiplexed microarray.
Patent Number: 8,753,873
Filed: Feb. 15, 2012
Lead Inventor: John Luckey, Roche NimbleGen