Title: Microfluidic devices with mechanically-sealed diaphragm valves.
Patent Number: 8,763,642
Filed: Feb. 23, 2012
Lead Inventor: Mattias Vangbo, IntegenX
Title: Ultrasensitive detection of target using target-ready particles.
Patent Number: 8,765,369
Filed: July 11, 2008
Lead Inventor: Sebastian Dubus, National Research Council of Canada
Title: Method for sequencing polynucleotides by forming separate fragment mixtures.
Patent Number: 8,765,375
Filed: Aug. 8, 2013
Lead Inventor: Radoje Drmanac, Callida Genomics
Title: Nucleic acid sequence analysis from combined mixtures of amplified fragments.
Patent Number: 8,765,379
Filed: Jan. 31, 2011
Lead Inventor: Radoje Drmanac, Callida Genomics
Title: Genome sequence analysis using tagged amplicons.
Patent Number: 8,765,382
Filed: Aug. 23, 2013
Lead Inventor: Radoje Drmanac, Callida Genomics
Title: Method of elongating DNA through immobilizing primer DNA chains on a substrate, a method of amplifying a DNA chain.
Patent Number: 8,765,417
Filed: Nov. 29, 2005
Lead Inventor: Kenji Kinoshita, DNA Chip Research
Title: Optically encoded particles.
Patent Number: 8,765,484
Filed: Jan. 31, 2003
Lead Inventor: Michael Sailor, University of California
Title: Methods and systems for controlling liquids in multiplex assays.
Patent Number: 8,765,486
Filed: Nov. 20, 2012
Lead Inventor: Chad DeRosier, Illumina
Title: Chip production, hybridization, and data interpretation for antibody and protein microarrays.
Patent Number: 8,765,641
Filed: March 18, 2005
Lead Inventor: Hyesook Kim, Detroit R&D