Title: Surface modification.
Patent Number: 8,795,787
Filed: Oct. 10, 2008
Lead Inventor: Heinrich Jehle, Greiner Bio-One
Title: Optimization of gene expression analysis using immobilized capture probes.
Patent Number: 8,795,960
Filed: June 8, 2009
Lead Inventor: Michael Seul, BioArray Solutions
Title: Expression vectors based on modified ribosomal protein promoters and uses thereof in post-transcriptional assessment.
Patent Number: 8,795,962
Filed: Nov. 17, 2008
Lead Inventor: Khalid Abu Khabar, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center
Title: Label free kinase assays and reagents.
Patent Number: 8,796,003
Filed: Aug. 8, 2012
Lead Inventor: Ronald Dudek, Plexera
Title: Detection assay devices and methods of making and using the same.
Patent Number: 8,796,184
Filed: March 17, 2009
Lead Inventor: Ashutosh, Chilkoti, Sentilus
Title: System and method for processing large number of biological microarrays.
Patent Number: 8,796,186
Filed: June 10, 2009
Lead Inventor: Mohsen Shirazi, Affymetrix
Title: Digital microscope slide scanning system and methods.
Patent Number: 8,797,396
Filed: Dec. 6, 2011
Lead Inventor: Lou Dietz, Ventana Medical Systems