Title: Microfabricated elastomeric valve and pump systems.
Patent Number: 8,656,958
Filed: Oct. 31, 2007
Lead Inventor: Marc Unger, California Institute of Technology
Title: Method and apparatus for disrupting cells and purifying nucleic acid using a single chip.
Patent Number: 8,658,359
Filed: April 5, 2011
Lead Inventor: In-ho Lee, Samsung Electronics
Title: Methods for diagnosing colon cancer using MicroRNAs.
Patent Number: 8,658,362
Filed: Feb. 28, 2012
Lead Inventor: Carlo Croce, Ohio State University
Title: Microfabricated crossflow devices and methods.
Patent Number: 8,658,367
Filed: May 18, 2012
Lead Inventor: Stephen Quake, California Institute of Technology
Title: MicroRNA-based methods and compositions for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of breast cancer.
Patent Number: 8,658,370
Filed: Jan. 31, 2008
Lead Inventor: Carlo Croce, Ohio State University
Title: Means and method for determining tumor cell percentage in a sample.
Patent Number: 8,658,371
Filed: Sept. 1, 2009
Lead Inventor: Paul Roepman, Agendia
Title: Antibody-based arrays for detecting multiple signal transducers in rate circulating cells.
Patent Number: 8,658,388
Filed: March 11, 2008
Lead Inventor: Jeanne Harvey, Nestec
Title: Microfluidic particle-analysis systems.
Patent Number: 8,658,418
Filed: July 13, 2009
Lead Inventor: Antoine Daridon, Fluidigm
Title: Whole proteome tiling microarrays.
Patent Number: 8,658,572
Filed: March 13, 2012
Lead Inventor: Tom Albert, Roche NimbleGen
Title: Photo-generated carbohydrate arrays and the rapid identification of pathogen-specific antigens and antibodies.
Patent Number: 8,658,573
Filed: Sept. 11, 2007
Lead Inventor: Denong Wang, Columbia University