Title: Microfabricated elastomeric valve and pump systems.
Patent Number: 8,695,640
Filed: Jan. 27, 2012
Lead Inventor: Marc Unger, California Institute of Technology
Title: Miniaturized microparticles.
Patent Number: 8,697,334
Filed: Dec. 23, 2011
Lead Inventor: Randall True, Affymetrix
Title: Method of producing solid-phase body having immobilized microobject and the use thereof.
Patent Number: 8,697,349
Filed: Oct. 23, 2008
Lead Inventor: Fumihiko Hoshino, Toyota
Title: Heavy metal biosensor.
Patent Number: 8,697,338
Filed: Nathan Hillson, US Department of Energy
Lead Inventor: Oct. 23, 2008
Title: Integrated sample preparation and analyte detection.
Patent Number: 8,697,453
Filed: Aug. 30, 2010
Lead Inventor: James Heil, Mbio Diagnostics
Title: Generation and application of standardized universal libraries.
Patent Number: 8,697,607
Filed: June 17, 2004
Lead Inventor: Tao Chen
Title: Lighting design of high quality biomedical devices.
Patent Number: 8,698,101
Filed: Oct. 23, 2012
Lead Inventor: Claudia Jaffe, Lumencor
Title: Compensator for multiple surface imaging.
Patent Number: 8,698,102
Filed: Oct. 17, 2013
Lead Inventor: Wenyi Feng, Illumina