Title: Microfluidic free interface diffusion techniques.
Patent Number: 8,709,152
Filed: Aug. 19, 2011
Lead Inventor: Carl Hansen, California Institute of Technology
Title: Analysis of methylation using nucleic acid arrays.
Patent Number: 8,709,716
Filed: Jan. 27, 2011
Lead Inventor: Yanxiang Cao, Affymetrix
Title: Generation of uniform fragments of nucleic acids using patterned substrates.
Patent Number: 8,709,717
Filed: April 2, 2010
Lead Inventor: Kevin Gunderson, Illumina
Title: Method of making an array of nucleic acid colonies.
Patent Number: 8,709,729
Filed: May 29, 2013
Lead Inventor: Mostafa Ronaghi, Illumina
Title: Analysis, secure access to, and transmission of array images.
Patent Number: 8,712,123
Filed: April 12, 2011
Lead Inventor: Xiongwu Xia, Immucor
Title: Methods of prognosing a rheumatoid arthritis remission phenotype.
Patent Number: 8,712,696
Filed: Nov. 2, 2009
Lead Inventor: Arrate Eguiara, Progenika Biopharma