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IP Roundup: AIST, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Intel, Agilent Technologies, and Others


Title: Variable pitch array spotter.
Patent Number: 8,663,577
Filed: April 17, 2009
Lead Inventor: Hiroki Aoki, Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Title: Use of representations of DNA for genetic analysis.
Patent Number: 8,663,917
Filed: March 30, 2005
Lead Inventor: Michael Wigler, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Title: Enzymatic signal generation and detection of binding complexes in stationary fluidic chip.
Patent Number: 8,664,008
Filed: July 6, 2012
Lead Inventor: David Liu, Intel

Title: Probes for specific analysis of nucleic acids.
Patent Number: 8,664,164
Filed: May 16, 2012
Lead Inventor: Olof Ericsson, Agilent Technologies

Title: Optical Biosensors
Patent Number: 8,664,363
Filed: Jan. 24, 2008
Lead Inventor: Carnegie Mellon University