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Dutch Biosensor Firm Ostendum Adopts Scienion Arrayers for Nanodevice Manufacturing


Ostendum will use Scienion's SciFlexarrayer instrument to print its lab-on-a-chip nanodevices, Scienion said this week.

Headquartered in Enschede, the Netherlands, Ostendum sells biosensing nanodevices for the detection of microorganisms, biomarkers, biomolecules, and nanoparticles. Its tools rely on interferometric nanotechnology, a sensitive, label-free approach that enables within minutes the detection of bacteria, viruses, yeasts, proteins and DNA molecules, as well as the determination of their concentrations.

Ostendum CEO Paul Nederkoorn said in a statement that his company became aware of Scienion's arraying technology through a collaboration with food researchers at Wageningen University and Research Center, and "came to the conclusion that the SciFlexarrayer non-contact dispenser would be the best solution to precisely and accurately spot antibodies onto our nanodevices."

Established in 2000, Berlin-based Scienion offers arraying instruments and services. It has launched six distinct sciFlexarrayer instruments to date: the entry-level model DW, which can produce four arrays in one run; the S3 for R&D applications; the S5 and S11 for medium-throughput array manufacturing; the S100, which can produce more than 1,000 arrays per run for high-throughput manufacturing; and the compact SX system, which includes components from all of Scienion's arrayers in one enclosure.

Nederkoorn said that Ostendum opted to adopt Scienion's SX model because it "enables us to complete any R&D processes and to scale up for production." He added that the SX is "suitable for our future activities in developing higher multiplexed chips."