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Arrayjet Names GMI as North American Service Provider


This article has been updated to include additional comments from Arrayjet.

Arrayjet has tapped GMI to service and support its customers in the US and Canada, the company said this week.

Based in Roslin, UK, Arrayjet offers a menu of microarray instruments as well as contract manufacturing and assay development services based on its non-contact inkjet arraying technology. GMI is located in Ramsey, Minn., and provides laboratory instrumentation and instrument services.

Claire Jenkins, Arrayjet's commercial director, said in a statement that GMI is a "highly technical company" that "understands our technology, our customers' needs and have the reach across North America to support our install base." She also said that the deal with GMI will "deliver better service for our North American customers."

Founded in 2000, Arrayjet has had a number of North American service partners since it first launched its Marathon microarrayer eight years ago. In 2009, the company announced a similar agreement with American Medical Link, which had replaced a previous deal with Salt Lake City-based BioMicro Systems (BAN 8/18/2009).

Jenkins told BioArray News that the arrangement with AML ended several years ago.

Last year, Arrayjet opened a sales office in Cambridge, Mass., to expand its activities in the US and Canada (BAN 8/28/2012).

Jenkins said that the service agreement with GMI is the "next step" after opening a North American office by "offering local support to our growing customer base."

Additional terms of Arrayjet's new service agreement with GMI were not discussed.