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Univ. of Southern Denmark Wins $10.7M for Omics, Computational Lab Infrastructure

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The University of Southern Denmark has reeled in an €8 million ($10.7 million) grant to create a research infrastructure for the school's Center for Bioanalytical Sciences, which will conduct genomics, proteomics, and lipidomics studies.

The funding from the Danish non-profit Villum Foundation will support the purchase of DNA sequencing and mass spectrometry technologies, imaging and biomolecular structure analysis tools, and computational and supercomputing platforms for large-scale data analyses.

The grant "provides us with new equipment to investigate complex biological systems, from individual biomolecules all the way to genomes, proteomes, and metabolomes and systems-wide studies," Ole Jensen, head of the university's biochemistry and molecular biology department, said in a statement.

Jensen said the grant will provide for a "very strong platform" for storing and integrating data and for computational modeling of biomolecules and cellular networks.

The Villum Foundation is the principal shareholder of VKR Holding, the parent company of the Velux Group and other businesses.