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U of Dundee Gets $19.2M for Translational Research Center

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The University of Dundee in Scotland has received £12 million ($19.2 million) from the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund to complete its Centre for Translational and Interdisciplinary Research.

The new CTIR will add 5,200 square meters of additional space to the University of Dundee's College of Life Sciences. It will double the capacity of the Drug Discovery Unit and create a Centre for Quantitative Proteomics that integrates expertise in cell biology, mass spectrometry, proteomics, and "big data" analytics, the university said.

"The project provides an exciting opportunity to bring different disciplines together, allowing contributions of scientists from a number of different fields, each bringing their expertise to bear on aspects of the larger, systems-level problems relating to biology and drug discovery and drug design," Michael Ferguson, dean of research in the College of Life Sciences, said in a statement.

In addition to the funding from the UKRPIF, the Centre has received funding in excess of £26 million from The Wellcome Trust, GlaxoSmithKline, Medicines for Malaria Venture, TPP Global development Ltd., and Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines. The Centre previously brought in £12.5 million in investments from the University of Dundee, The Wellcome-Wolfson Capital Award Programme, The Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Enterprise, the Biological and Biotechnology Research Council and several local charitable trusts.

According to the University of Dundee, the CTIR will add 180 new research jobs once it is fully occupied. Construction on the facility is expected to finish in autumn 2013.