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Quidel Expects 2013 Revenues of $175M, Increased R&D Spend

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Quidel announced that for full-year 2013 it anticipates reporting $175 million in revenues.

That would represent a 12 percent bump up from $155.7 million recorded in 2012 and would beat the average analyst estimate of $174.0 million.

The firm previously announced preliminary fourth quarter 2013 revenues of $50 million.

The San Diego-based company also said that its R&D expenses for full-year 2013 are estimated at a range of $34 million to $35 million, compared to $27.7 million a year ago, while its sales and marketing costs are estimated at $33 million to $34 million, up from $30.3 million in 2012.