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Qiagen Acquires CLC Bio


Qiagen has acquired CLC Bio, a privately held bioinformatics software company headquartered in Aarhus, Denmark.

The news was first reported on AllSeq's blog. GenomeWeb independently confirmed the information with a source familiar with the deal. A CLC Bio official declined to comment. Qiagen did not respond to requests for comment as of press time.

CLC Bio develops and markets software for analyzing genomic data from next generation sequencing platforms and traditional Sanger sequencing instruments. Its product portfolio includes tools such as the CLC Genomics Workbench, the CLC Main Workbench, and the CLC Genomics Server.

This is the second bioinformatics company that Qiagen has purchased this year. In May, it bought Ingenuity Systems for $105 million in cash to offer its life science and clinical customers a complete and integrated workflow for its PCR- and next-generation sequencing-based molecular testing solutions (BI 5/3/2013).