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Protea, InSphero Collaborate on 3D Technologies for Pharmacokinetics, Toxicity Research

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Protea Biosciences and InSphero today said they will combine their 3D technologies into new products and services to be marketed to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology markets.

The collaboration will use Protea's proprietary LAESI direct molecular imaging platform to analyze InSphero's 3D InSight microtissues, resulting in 3D molecular profiles for tissue characterization, drug metabolism and distribution, pharmacokinetic, and toxicity applications, the companies said.

InSphero is a supplier of 3D organotypic microtissues for in vitro toxicology and efficacy research. Its models are derived from liver, pancreas, tumor, and brain tissue that yield higher predictability levels than traditional two-dimensional cell culture and other in vitro model systems, the partners said.

"The LAESI technology increases the power of mass spectrometry, and is uniquely suited to meet the needs of researchers using our 3D microtissues," InSphero Co-Founder and CEO Jan Lichtenberg said in a statement. "The ability to reconstruct the molecular profile of a tissue in three dimensions, including endogenous proteins, drugs, and compound metabolites, will facilitate a deeper characterization of 3D cell models, and open doors to novel applications that can further enhance their utility in drug discovery and development."