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Promega PowerPlex Y23 System Receives NDIS Approval

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Promega said today that its PowerPlex Y23 System has been approved for use in laboratories generating DNA records for the National DNA Index System.

The NDIS, part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Combined DNA Index System, contains more than 10 million offender and forensic DNA profiles contributed by federal, state, and local forensic labs used to identify criminals.

The PowerPlex Y23 system is a "rapid human Y-chromosome short tandem repeat" assay for forensic applications, offender databasing, and relationship testing, Promega said. Launched in July 2012, it reduces thermal cycling time by about half, according to the company, and detects "substantially more" Y-STR loci than other systems.

The system co-amplifies 23 Y-STR loci, the Madison, Wis.-based firm added, including all Y-STR loci found in key STR databases in the US and Europe.

Previously, Promega's PowerPlex 18D system received NDIS approval in 2011, and its PowerPlex 16 HS system was approved in 2009.