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OGI Supports Genomics Business Course

By Matt Jones

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The Ontario Genomics Institute has provided C$240,000 (US$236,000) to the Ivey International Centre for Health Innovation in London to fund an education program to develop life sciences researchers' business and commercialization skills.

Supported by OGI under Genome Canada's Entrepreneurship Education in Genomics program, the Leaders in the Lab program will provide expertise from the Centre's faculty in leadership, intellectual property, fiscal management, pharma-economics, business valuation, regulatory issues, and business plan development.

"This program will offer a new and innovative approach to executive and entrepreneurship education focused on the particular needs of health and life scientists working in the genomics fields," Anne Snowdon, chair of the Ivey Centre, said in a statement.

The Leaders in the Lab program is an open-enrollment course that consists of three days of classes of 40 to 50 scientists, and it will be tailored for scientists interested in pursuing market opportunities in genomics. Ivey also will provide participants with access to webinars.

"Canada is a global leader in genomics research, but our record on the commercialization front has much room for improvement," OGI President and CEO Mark Poznansky said in a statement. "This program marks one step forward in improving our efforts in commercialization, and in increasing the impact genomics research has on the health of our economy."