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NIH Plans to Fund Collaborations with Clinical Center

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The National Institutes of Health plans to renew a program that will fund collaborative translational research projects engaging extramural researchers and intramural investigators that will use the resources available through the NIH Clinical Center.

The funding announcements for these partnership grants, which could involve a wide range of research areas of interest to many NIH institutes, are expected to be published this fall, NIH said in a notice.

NIH wants to encourage projects that take basic biological discoveries and aim to move them toward clinical applications including diagnostics, prevention strategies, and new therapeutics.

Applicants will be expected to include at least one intramural scientist as a principal investigator or co-PI, and at least some of the research must be conducted at the CC.

The aim is to leverage the range of resources, expertise, and infrastructure available at the CC, a hospital aimed exclusively at clinical research, to try out promising new discoveries that could have an impact on clinical care.

Last year, the NIH funded individual grants under the CC collaborations program with up to $500,000 per year.

Those grants were open to investigators pursuing a broad array of research projects of interest to most of the NIH institutes, including areas of focus for the National Human Genome Research Institute, such as biochemical genetics, autoinflammatory diseases, pigment defects, and others.