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NCRR to Fund 'Omics, Other Biomed Tools Development

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The National Center for Research Resources will spend $1 million in 2012 on grants to fund development of new biomedical research tools, including life sciences, genomics, and proteomics technologies.

The Instrument Development for Biomedical Applications grants will provide up to $125,000 for efforts involving the conceptualization, design, fabrication, and testing of new instruments and devices.

NCRR stated in its funding announcement that it encourages applicants to propose high-risk research projects that will develop "more powerful and more precise technology with broad applicability to biomedical research."

The wide range of technologies researchers may seek to develop include, but are not limited to, tools to advance genomics, such as genome sequencing , genotyping, and microarray instruments, and tools for proteomics, electrophoresis and other separation tools, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and others.

Two specific areas NCRR will exclude from this program include technologies related to bioinformatics and medical informatics.