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Millipore Acquires Epitome's EpiTag Technology

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Millipore has acquired the assets associated with Epitome Biosystems' EpiTag technology for an undisclosed sum, the Billerica, Mass.-based firm said today.

The acquisition provides Millipore with a bioinformatics-driven technology for developing antibodies. The firm intends to use the EpiTag technology to develop a range of new multiplex immunoassay kits that can be used with the Luminex xMAP platform, to which Millipore holds a license. The kits will enable researchers to "more efficiently measure, detect, and analyze proteins and cell signaling pathways," said Millipore.

"The EpiTag technology will allow us to develop multiplex immunoassays for cellular targets that were previously very difficult to detect and quantify," Rick Ryan, VP of Millipore's drug discovery business unit, said in a statement.

Millipore currently sells Milliplex MAP assays that run on the Luminex platform for research in the immunology, inflammation, and metabolic disease areas.