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Kimmel Foundation Names 2010 Scholars

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The Sidney Kimmel Foundation for Cancer Research has named grant recipients for its 2010 Kimmel Scholar program. Each awardee will receive $200,000 to fund a range of biomedical research projects, including genomics and proteomics studies.

The foundation said today that the program funds young scientists who offer promise and innovation, but “whose careers have not evolved sufficiently to provide them the critical mass of prior research that typically justifies receiving major grants from the National Cancer Institute and other funding sources.”

The 2010 grant winners include:

Ohio State University’s Nicola Valieri for: “MicroRNA-mediated Modulation of Genomic Stability and Apoptosis in Sporadic and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Associated Colon Cancer”;

OSU’s Flavia Pichiorri, for: “MicroRNAs in Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Therapy”;

Baylor College of Medicine’s Donald Parsons for: “Defining Molecular Subtypes of Hepatoblastoma”;

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Michael Major for: “New functional Components of the KEAP1 Tumor Suppressor Protein Complex”;

Stanford University’s Ashby Morrison for: “A Novel Mechanism for Tumor Suppression by the Retinoblastoma Protein”;

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s Antoine Karnoub for: “Role of Stem Cells in the Metastatic Spread of Breast Carcinomas”;

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s Alex Kimmelman for: “Functional Analysis of ALK Mutations in Neuroblastoma.”