Title: Single-cell label-free assay.
Patent Number: 8,703,428
Filed: May 28, 2008
Lead Inventor: Ye Fang, Corning
Title: Quantitative, highly multiplexed detection of nucleic acids.
Patent Number: 8,703,653
Filed: Aug, 16, 2012
Lead Inventor: Kris Scaboo, NVS Technologies
Title: Detection of nucleic acid sequence differences using the ligase detection reaction with addressable arrays.
Patent Number: 8,703,928
Filed: Sept. 9, 2011
Lead Inventor: Francis Barany, Cornell Research Foundation
Title: Methods and systems for image data processing.
Patent Number: 8,705,859
Filed: Sept. 19, 2011
Lead Inventor: Wayne Roth, Luminex