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Integrated Genomics to Re-locate to Wisconsin, Gets $250K from State

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Wisconsin will provide $250,000 to Integrated Genomics through a combination of a loan and a grant, and the company plans to relocate its laboratory and commercial operations from Chicago to Madison, the state's governor's office said Tuesday.

The state will give the microbial genomics and gene expression services and technologies company a loan of $200,000 and a grant of $50,000 from the Technology Venture Fund. It said that Integrated Genomics' move could create up to 18 new jobs.

The company plans to use the funding to pay for relocating the laboratory to Madison and to buy equipment.

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle said in a statement that Integrated Genomics "is exactly the type of company our state should be investing in – companies that are developing innovative solutions in the biotechnology industry."