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Genetic Technologies Names New Chairman, Acting CEO

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – A day after its chairman's re-election was blocked and its CEO resigned, Genetic Technologies named a new chairman and acting CEO today.

The Australian firm named Mal Brandon, a current board member, as its new chairman of the board of directors. The firm also said that COO Alison Mew has been named acting CEO.

The appointments come a day after the firm's annual general meeting, at which Chairman Mel Bridges and Director Huw Jones were not re-elected to the firm's board — apparently due to the efforts of Founder Mervyn Jacobson, who used his 29 percent stake to block their re-election. Following the meeting, CEO Paul MacLeman, Director Greg Brown, and VP of Legal and Corporate Development David Sparling all resigned.

The firm did not respond to an email from GenomeWeb Daily News seeking further information and comment.

"The board is confident that the company will continue to build on the solid foundation that has been created and looks forward to further expansion of its US operations and its global licensing programs," Brandon said in a statement issued today.