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Galapagos' BioFocus Business Extends Contract with Amgen

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Belgian biotech firm Galapagos today announced its BioFocus service division has extended a contract with Amgen through 2012 to include target discovery and validation work.

The extension will include the use of BioFocus' target discovery platform to deliver novel targets to support Amgen's therapeutic programs. Galapagos will receive €2 million ($2.6 million) in research fees in the first year, under the terms of the deal. It is also eligible for access fees and milestone payments.

Further details were not disclosed.

Originally forged in 2002, the collaboration between BioFocus, which Galapagos acquired in 2005, and Amgen involves identifying new molecules against drug targets. The partnership was extended in 2006 and 2008.

BioFocus' discovery platform includes the use of in vitro and cell-based screening, structural biology, and chemogenomic and informatics tools.