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France's Fluofarma and Roche Ink High-Content Assay Development Deal

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – French high-content screening vendor Fluofarma said recently that it has entered into a multi-year assay development agreement with Roche.

Under the terms of the partnership, Roche and Fluofarma will work together to develop miniaturized cell-based assays using high-throughput flow cytometry and computational models to improve the predictability of hepatotoxicity and safety profiling of compounds in liver cells.

Financial terms of the partnership were not disclosed.

Fluofarma, based in Bordeaux, offers HCS services and technologies for target and drug discovery, and predictive toxicity testing. The company's HCS platform is based on automated flow cytometry, confocal imaging, and laser scanning cytometry, and enables high-throughput functional analysis of several molecular events simultaneously in living cells.