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Sixth Annual Young Investigators


The 'omics community is growing, led by a number of young investigators doing good science. To help find the cream of the crop, Genome Technology turned to established PIs for their thoughts on who is doing interesting and thought-provoking work. All of the researchers profiled here are no more than five years into their first faculty appointment, and some are not even done with their graduate studies. The profiles give a quick glimpse of these investigators' work, representing areas as diverse as single-cell genomics, the role of microRNA in disease, and the uncovering of new biomarkers.

Tanja Woyke: Single-Cell Genomics

Ryan Mills: Indels and Lots of Genomes

Philip Kim: Structural Meets Systems Biology

Paul Medvedev: Sensitive Variant Detection

Praveen Sethupathy: MicroRNA, Regulation, and Complex Diseases

Jan Korbel: Large-Scale Structural Variation

Jian Ma: Investigating Genomic Alterations

Stephen Montgomery: Functional Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics

Elizabeth Murchison: Cancer in the Wilderness

Vincent Bruno: Transcriptomics and Fungal Pathogenesis

Adam Bass: Cancer Characterization and Function

Vincent Fusaro: Transforming Translational Medicine

David Quigley: The Genetics of Susceptibility

Gregory Bowman: Resisting Resistance

Laura Tafe: Biomarker Discovery and Translation

Helge Grosshans: Regulating the Regulators

Michael Fischbach: Mining Bacterial Genomes

Summer Thyme: Protein Design for Gene Therapy

Ileana Cristea: Proteomics Meets Virology

James Noonan: The How of Human Evolution

Erin Carlson: Bacterial Perception

Gabor Balazsi: Gene Expression Control

Michelle Chang: Pathways to Next-Gen Fuel

Juan Dong: Asymmetrical Division Revealed

Remo Rohs: Structure and Sequence

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