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Dolomite to Collaborate on EU-funded Microfluidics Tech for Stem Cells

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – UK-based microfluidics developer Dolomite said today that it will collaborate with the Danish firms Bioneer and OptoRobotix in a European Union-funded effort to develop a new stem cell handling device.

The consortium has received €820,100 ($1.1 million) from the EU's Eurostars program to fund the two-year project, which aims to develop a microfluidic tool that could be used in molecular biology, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical applications.

The OPTISORT platform will be a sorting and analysis tool that uses optical and droplet technologies for sorting fragile mammalian cells. It will enable stem cell biology and mammalian cell-based protein manufacturing, which the company said are both fast-developing fields.

OptoRobotix develops flow cytometers with cell sorting capabilities. Bioneer, a subsidiary of the Technical University of Denmark, provides access to tools to facilitate therapeutic, cellular, and molecular biology projects.