NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The genetic sequencing and genotyping company DNAVision said today that it has received accreditation from the commission on Laboratory Accreditation of the College of American Pathologists and received GMP certification from Belgian regulatory authorities.
The GMP certification covers the Brussels-based firm's submission of DNA sequencing for biopharmaceutical products.
The company offers nucleic acids extraction, expression profiling, SNP genotyping, and DNA sequencing services. A spin-off from the University of Brussels and the Institute of Pathology and Genetics, the company said it also has received GLB, CLIA, and ISO certification or accreditation.
"We are now in a new era where the analytical data generated for pharmacogenomic studies or for genetic stability studies in biopharmaceuticals needs the highest quality requirements," DNAVision CEO Jean-Pol Detiffe said in a statement.